Kim Green from St. Peter Claver in West Hartford is an amazing woman. Kim came to the Lay Ministry program two years ago as a cancer survivor and still battles her cancer today. She wanted to work in the area of ministry to the sick and especially to those who suffer from chronic illness. Kim began a ministry called Heal; help, encouragement and love.
HEAL provides services to the sick in three ways:
- Sacramental Service (hospital visits, home visits, Reconcilaiton, Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick).
- Charitable Service (meal preparation, doing errands like buying groceries, light chores, telephone calls, prayer shawls etc.).
- Spiritual Service (praying with and for the individual by placing their names in books of intentions and church bulletins, offering prayer cards and reading material.)
This ministry covers a wide range of services that might be needed by those battling illness or homebound on a permanent basis. So the talents and time of many parishioners are needed to make this work. To view the attractive brochure Kim designed for HEAL, click here.
Congratulations Kim on a job well done.
HEAL (Help, Encouragement and Love) A St. Peter Claver Church Ministry
To find out more about the Lay Ministry Program or to apply for the program, click here.
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