Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Well it's that time of year again! The liturgical season of Advent is a time of waiting and anticipation for Christmas, when we celebrate once again the birth of the Christ child. We remember God's love in sending His Son for our salvation.

But for many of us, the season of Advent is a time of shopping and preparation for the Christmas holiday that leaves us feeling tired and chaotic. We try to cram more activities into our aready busy lives.

It's not too late to start a few Advent practices that might enable us to capture the spiritual foundation of the season. Take a 5 minute break from the Christmas rush and spend those minutes reflecting or praying; let God speak to you. Here are a few web sites that will give you ideas for your Advent reflection: www.usccb.org/advent. For sometimething a little different try the advent calendar at http://www.bustedhalo.com/.